{Project 365} Day 6
Today has been weird day for me, the kind where I feel like I just kinda floated through it with no purpose what so ever. Tomorrow will be different, I vow to have a goal, a drive, and great picture for you! Ok so that said, here is my day six picture:

This is my beautiful daughter, Caycia, (pronounced Ka-sha) who not so patiently sat to be photographed. What is so special about this picture is I took it in manual under my dining room lights. I do not own a good low light lens yet so the photo is actually grainy and I almost deleted it! I hate grainy pictures! BUT, (insert drum roll here), I wanted to see what I could do with the picture, so I used the new action set I invested in today-it is very awesome from Flora Bella and is the Cosmopolitan action from then Color and Haze set. I then topped it off with a FREE texture from an amazing artist, Jerry Jones, at his site Shadowhouse Creations a must see for all texture lovers! So what do you think?
Thanks for checking and enjoy the journey!

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