{Project 365} Days 4 & 5
Yes, I know today is day 6 and I still have a picture to take but I thought I would go ahead and share my unposted captures.
Day 4
I wanted to do an outside shot but everything was white or brown, so blah! Then I spied this in my back yard. This crate was used as a stool and got stuck to the ground before we could get it inside! So, here it lies, a beautiful red in a world of white, white, white-I love the contrast!

Day 5
I waited until the last minute to shoot this one. I was walking through my house last night and it dawned on me that I hadn't done my 365 project yet! So I grabbed my camera and ran around my house trying to find something that caught my eye. I saw my daughter's new Chucks on the floor under the coffee table and thought "BINGO."
The hard part about getting this shot was the lighting. It was dim in our living room and the only light was coming from one lamp that was not positioned all that well, so I figure what a great way to practice shooting in Manual in low light. I started off holding the camera while sitting on the floor, pic came out blurry. So I layed down and steadied myself on my elbows and that was a little better-BUT what did the trick was actually resting the camera on the floor and using my lens to get a good angle shot, then cropping in CS3. Whew-it was tough but I learned from it and that is what this project is all about!
If you want to know how I got the rest of the look just message me and I will share my small wealth of knowledge with you!

Until later - Enjoy the journey.

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