Prints For Sale and some friendly advice.
Wow, what a couple weeks!
First, I got a job to pay off some bills so I could focus more money on photography, worked one week, and then was told there was no more work right now. Jobs in southern Michigan are pretty tough to come by these days.
Then my computer crashed. First time ever I felt helpless and it sucked, royally! Thankfully, the computer Gods at Ascend in Sturgis, Michigan saved all my files! I only had to reinstall my programs! They are amazing and if you ever need work done I one hundred percent refer you to them!
After that it took me a couple days to get all my programs reinstalled, do some updating and upgrading (CS4 YAY), and I am now ready to go!
I have a new line of photos to share with you. I am so excited about this. As a photographer, it is really easy to get sucked into what everyone else is doing, and lose yourself, your sense of style. As a new photographer, it is even harder because you are striving to learn, create, and take photos like the pro's. In all actuality you should be focusing on the learning and creative parts, the finding of your individual photography style.
How do I do that you ask? Well, try different things, learn new techniques, learn how to use your camera, not just shutter speed and apeture, but metering, focus points, ISO, and white balance. If you have to start off in P mode, so be it. Don't let any tell you that it doesn't count because you aren't shooting in manual. You will soon, but shooting in P is easier to learn metering and the other technicalities of your camera. When you shoot in P shutter speed and apetures are figured out for you so you can concentrate on other things.
There are probably some people who are going to say that this is the wrong way to learn, but this is how I learned, by myself, to use metering and focus in my Nikon D60.
So on to my new venture and the reason for this little piece of advice. I found my niche and totally love it! I can't wait to branch out and add more to this. I found that I love to shoot photos and turn them into art by adjusting colors and texturing. I had a few people ask me on my facebook fan page if I would sell these as prints so I am! I am so excited! You can see them at in my still life gallery. I also thought I would share some samples here.

More will be going up as soon as I edit them! Thank you so much for looking and enjoy the journey!
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